Snipcoins Photo NFT Club

Despite our crypto-centric content focus, here at Snipcoins we understand the desire for self expression. In particular, we have noticed many people enjoy sharing photos of what is going on around them during their daily lives.

Despite our crypto-centric content focus, here at Snipcoins we understand the desire for self expression. In particular, we have noticed many people enjoy sharing photos of what is going on around them during their daily lives.

Born of a desire to open fun avenues to incorporate crypto tie-ins to content, Snipcoins is announcing the beginning of the Snipcoins Photo NFT Contests. The winning photo submission from each contest Round will be minted as the official Snipcoins Photo NFT for that Round.


This program is comprised of 3 different Photo NFT categories.  The category for each Round with rotate.

  1. NATURE – panoramic vistas to foliage close-ups (no buildings or people permitted)
  2. PETS – your favorite animals and their shenanigans (no people permitted)
  3. METRO – the built environment from different perspectives (people cannot have any distinguishable characteristics)



The honor system is relied upon heavily.  These are the general guidelines Snipcoins hope can be respected to create a fun and fair experience.

  • We ask photos submitted be the submitter’s own shots
  • Try to only submit a photo taken since its category’s last Round; approximately within the last 30 days
  • Cropping and zooming are permitted, but no other editing
  • Black white photos are permitted; but, please, no other filters

Again, given the time and resources it would take from our end, Snipcoins will not engage further investigation into submissions automatically.  That said, a member submitting a photo should be willing to respond to reasonable questions and inquiries from the community within the submission post’s comments.  

Importantly, we encourage people to keep the guidelines in mind when deciding to give a photo a reaction or a final vote.  However, if a Snipcoins member believes a submission is in flagrant violation of these guidelines, please DM Lee Yarom directly.


How it will work.

Round 1 (NATURE)


The Snipcoins Photo NFT Contest’s Round 1 category is NATURE. It will run as follows:

  1. Beginning Thursday morning 9 (ET), submit a photo to the Group titled “Snipcoins Photo NFT Contest – Round 1 (NATURE)”
    1. Submissions are accepted until the following Wednesday night at 11pm (ET)
    2. Only one submission please per person.
    3. If you wish to change your submission, delete the first one and then upload a new photo. However, note, all reactions associated with the deleted photo are voided.


  1. All community members are eligible to react to those great submissions they believe should make the final voting list.
    1. ANY reaction to a photo, no matter the emoji, will be considered as a counted reaction in the final tallies for the Top 5 vote.
    2. The comment threads to these submissions are a chance for the community to ask questions and chat about the respective photo. Snipcoins sees this as a vehicle for potential non-crypto conversations.


  1. Submissions reactions are accepted until 11pm (ET), Wednesday June 30th;


  1. By 9 AM Thursday July 1st a blog titled “Snipcoins Photo NFT Top 5 – Round 1 (NATURE)” will published with the top reaction-getters’ photos displayed for easy community review. The Blog’s comments are another home for conversation about those photos.


  1. By 9 AM Thursday July 1st, voting will open by Community Poll with the Top 5 photo entries listed from the blog above will be posted to the Group - “Snipcoins Photo NFT Contest – Round 1 (NATURE)”


  1. Voting will end at 11pm (ET) on Sunday July 4th .
    1. Voting will take place via the Community Poll posted and pinned back in the respective week’s Group (“Snipcoins Photo NFT Contest – Round 1 (NATURE)”)



  1. The top vote getting photo will be minted as an NFT the following day, Monday, July 5th. Two serials for each Snipcoins Photo NFT Round will be minted – titled something like “Snipcoins Photo NFT Club – Round 1 (NATURE)” .
    1. At a minimum the NFT will include the Proton address of the Snipcoins community member who submitted the photo.
    2. During the voting process, the Top 5 will be asked to submit additional, brief details or verbiage desired to be included in the minting if they win, such as secondary title, location, etc.
    3. The Snipcoins community member who submitted the Round’s top vote getting photo will receive serial #2.
    4. The #1 serial will be put up for auction. Initially, these auctions will be priced in XPR with the intent to switch to SNIPS when possible. More details will be provided as the auction nears.
      1. 50% of winning bid will be sent to the original photo submitter
      2. 50% of winning bid will be sent to the Snipcoins Community Fund. Use of this fund will become eligible for community proposals and subsequent voting under a yet to be determined threshold and criteria.
      3. Thus, the submitter can essentially buy the #1, if desired, for a 50% discount while making a contribution to the Community Fund.
      4. Note: Given the problems surrounding verifying photo authenticity, no other utility for the NFT project is being considered. Its sole utility lies in its capacity to foment community, to tip recognize submitters of great photos as a contribution mechanism to the general Community Fund.


Note: The Snipcoins Photo NFT Contest Round’s Group will remain on the site for 4 weeks with all of a particular week’s submissions reactions. After which it will be deleted.  The Blogs, listing each Round’s Top 5 and updated with the eventual winner, will remain on the site.


Final Thoughts: 

The Snipcoins Weekly Photo NFT Club is intended to foster a fun community dynamic while maintaining a tie in to the platform’s crypto-centric ethos.  The approach outlined was developed based on the platform’s current features.  However, we certainly expect some adjustments as we implement the Club and the platform develops.  Please, we definitely welcome feedback and suggestions.






5 Blogg inlägg

Daniel Abbott 2 år


travisandy 3 år


Ahza Zeroun 3 år


x trap 3 år

This is awesome! Love it!