Introducing SLAM Street Fights — a new play and earn game on Proton Chain. Currently launching into alpha, this is the first version of what we hope will be an integral part of the SLAM Land ecosystem: A Turn-Based Strategy PvP Battler that takes full use of SLAM Token, Proton SLAMMERS, SLAM Caps, and upcoming SLAM Lands.

High Level Definitions
SLAM Land — The metaverse that ties SLAM Token, Proton Slammers, SLAM Street Fights and the SLAMChain DAO.
SLAMchain — The DAO, powered by SLAM Token.
SLAM token— The utility token that powers SLAMchain and SLAM Land.
Proton Slammers — Our randomly generated pfps/battlers for SLAM Land.
SLAM Vote — The on chain voting platform where 1 Proton Slammers = 1 vote
SLAM Street Fights — The first play and earn game in SLAM Land.
SLAM Caps — NFT move cards that players can collect and are used during SLAM Street Fights

SLAM Street Fights Definitions
Move Set — Your 15-Cap Deck of SLAM Caps for SLAM Street Fights
Backstage — The discard pile.
Durability — The Proton Slammers health during a Match of SLAM Street Fights. When it hits zero (0), the slammer is knocked out and the opponent wins (at least in a 1v1). When this happens, this is called a Pinfall.

Momentum — Made up of 3 to 7 Momentum Energy Bars that the player fills during individual Matches in SLAM Street Fights that, when filled, allows the player to execute a Finishing Move
Finishing Move — 25 Damage but only usable with full momentum and after 3 successful hits. Unless when used as a counter.

Damage — Amount of punishment a SLAMMER deals to an opponent. Each Damage potentially decreases the opposing SLAMMER’S HP.
Block Value — Amount of punishment SLAMMERS counter when an opponent is attacking.
Skill Requirement— The value required to be rolled for a SLAM Cap to be used successfully.

Start of Game
- Pick a Proton SLAMMERS.
- Create a Move Set pile with 15 SLAM Caps. Select default Move Set to be used in game. Maximum of 3 tier S caps and 4 tier A caps per Move Set.
- Search for opponent.
- Side Selection Phase starts the match.
Start of Round
- Side Selection Phase: An automatic coin toss assigns who becomes Attacker for the first round. Roles swap after every round for the rest of the match.
- Draw Phase: Players must always begin a round with a set amount of caps in their hand. The number of caps in a player’s hand is based on the X-Factor stat of the SLAMMERS.

3.1 Attack Phase: From the Attacker’s hand, the player plans a combination of SLAM Caps that suits their needs. There will be a turn timer so that the player is only given a few seconds to think of a cap combo to play. This phase is done simultaneous with the Block Phase.
- The Attacker selects Slam Caps to play in the Ring. For each cap played, a die must be rolled to check if the incoming move will be successful or not by comparing the resulting die roll to the skill requirement value listed on the Slam Cap. If the result is less than the skill requirement value, then it has failed and the Attack Phase ends, and that cap is put Backstage. They are limited to play up to 3 caps per round

Sample scenario: The Attacker used Vertical Suplex Powerbomb which has a skill requirement of 3. A die will be rolled to determine if the move is successful or not. The Attacker rolled a 4, meaning the Powerbomb hit successfully. If a 2 or 1 was rolled the Powerbomb would have missed and the combo is ended.
- If the Attacker has all their Momentum Bars filled, they can use their Finisher by clicking the finisher button once they successfully play out 3 Caps in a round. This will only trigger during the Slamdown! phase, which will give ample time for the Blocker to opt whether to take the hit or reverse if they have their Momentum Bars filled as well. Finishers won’t count towards their 3 Cap limit.
- A Momentum bar fills up when a player successfully playing a Slam Cap. SLAMMERS need to fill up their Momentum Bars to be able to use their Finisher. Once filled, the finisher is now available for use in the future rounds. Once used, all bars of the Momentum gets unfilled.
- Another way a player gains a Momentum bar is when their opponent fails the skill requirement value from the die roll.
- Combos. A combo starts when a player decides to add another Slam Cap in the ring (after a successful die roll).
- Attack Phase ends if one of the following conditions are met:
- The result from the die roll is less than the stamina requirement value.
- There are no more playable caps left from the Attacker’s hand.
- There are no more slots available in the Ring.
- Once the Attack Phase has ended, all successful Move Caps’ Attack Values will be added to check the total power of the attack.
3.2 Block Phase: From the Blocker’s hand, the player selects a SLAM Cap that suits their needs. Same rules apply to the Block Phase. Refer to Attack Phase. There will be a turn timer so that the player is given a few seconds only to think of a cap to play.
4. Slamdown! Phase: This is the part where the Attacker deals Damage, while the Blocker tries to minimize the incoming attack.
- Attacker follows Attack Value, Blocker follows Block Value; thus the difference between the Attack Value and Block Value will be the amount of Damage the Blocker receives for the round, decreasing their Durability. In the case where the Block Value is greater than the Attack Value, then the excess will be a reversal and will hit the Attacker instead.
5. End of Round: All played Caps used are put Backstage (discard pile) and shall restart with another Draw Phase, and roles are swapped. If by End of Round a SLAMMER has 0 HP left, they lose via Pinfall.
? If a round ends in a “DRAW” (both SLAMMERS having the same Damage), then all Caps are put to Backstage. Roles will swap next round.
? If the player has no Caps left on their draw pile, their Backstage is reshuffled and will be put back to their draw pile.
How to Win
A player wins the game by:
- Pinfall — a SLAMMER inflicts enough Damage that the opponent has 0 points left in their HP.
- Count Out — opposing SLAMMER goes AFK for a large amount of time.
Now that you know the ins and outs of SLAM Street Fights you are ready to bring your Proton Slammers and SLAM Caps over to where your web3 Pro Wrestling career starts with a SLAM!