Hello and welcome frens !
Want to start devs with proton or ask for help, welcome !
Before i can share more content here is a list useful links
For beginner
- https://www.freecodecamp.org/
- https://www.coursera.org/
Tools and IDE
- https://code.visualstudio.com/
- https://nodejs.org/en/
- https://www.npmjs.com/
- https://github.com/
- https://parceljs.org/ (a super simple package bundler)
- https://www.postman.com/
Libs and package
- https://reactjs.org/ (Front-end framework)
- https://vuejs.org/ (Front-end framework)
- https://nestjs.com/ (An advanced API framework)
- https://nextjs.org/ (A better react toolkit)
- https://axios-http.com/ (fetching API)
- https://react-redux.js.org/ (App state management for react)
- https://easy-peasy.vercel.app/ (Simpliyed redux)
TypeScript Docs
Proton docs and code
- https://docs.protonchain.com/
- https://github.com/ProtonProtocol/
More advanced stuff / Ressource
- https://www.docker.com/
- https://opensource.com/article/18/8/what-how-makefile
- https://threejs.org/ (WebGL+WebXR framework. Metaverse baby!)
Happy coding
Rocker One 2 বছর
Thank for sharing!
Storex is an amazing project that pushes Proton to another level! I hope this new service will succeed beyond the frontiers of the XPR community and be a gateway to a new level of mass adoption!