Tools that allow people to come together, leverage their talents, vision and shared value in countless ways.
Tools that make starting a DAO far less of a headache.
(Free accouns + No gas fees = thanks Proton!)
DAOs that can begin democratically and do not require governance tokens to vote (although still possible, if desired).
No need to wrangle varying opinions on the tokenomics and distribution before voting and decisions can begin in your DAO.
Instead voting and decision making can happen way before any tokenomics need to be sorted—if tokens are desired at all.
No need to worry about whether—or not—any governance token is an unregistered security under the law. With no tokens required, your DAO may just manage a treasury of other tokens, NFTs, or even none at all.
No need for your DAO to end up as a plutocracy where the wealthiest rule the roost (Democracy is the base voting protocol and can remain so, forever more).
And did we mention—?
- Vote on any smart contract action available on-chain
- Fully decentralied frontend and backend—no centralised dependencies
- Store important documents—like constitutions and purpose—onchain in Markup
- Modular architecture—can create hubs of DAOs, and also add new features via plugin smart contracts
With many other features in the pipeline to offer new types of governance systems and unique features of the Internet Computer that can bring about cross chain functionality, and off-chain API access—plus more!

The Vision of the DAOScape
The reason we built the DAOScape, is that we believe that our optimal future of collaboration is decentralized, highly cooperative, democratic and transparent.
As early adopters of blockchain technology, we were fascinated by the possibilities of using it to create decentralized autonomous organizations (DAOs).
The Freeos Economic DAO was our first DAO, but it is a highly novel, bespoke DAO built for a single purpose—to fairly incentivise a distributed community to manage the monetary policy of their own shared economy. Money as a commons.
Our original intention, and eventual goal, was to build an additional DAO—FreeDAO—to manage the logistics of fulfilling FreeDAO’s mission to build “tools of collaboration and freedom”.
As we built out Freeos—and its novel democratic economic system that was designed for the community to steward the supply of the token in various bull and bear conditions, we started gathering requirements to build out FreeDAO.
Along the way, we realised the same systems that we needed for FreeDAO could be fulfiled by a DAO tooling platform that would allow anyone to setup up a DAO to start organising talent and capital easily and effectively.
As an additional benefit, it had great potential as a tool to start building out an ecosystem supporting the Freeos economy of goods and services (more on this in future articles).
But we also realized that creating and managing a DAO can be complex and daunting for the average person. So our further goal is to make it easy for anyone to create and participate in a DAO—this is why we invite early prospective DAOs in our limited early access program help us find out what common requirements are, and to ensure we develop these tools with the needs of DAO participants in mind.
Our mission is to empower individuals and communities to take control of their work, resources and decision-making through DAOs.
Whether you’re an entrepreneur, freelancer, activist, artist or simply someone who wants to be part of a community that aligns with your values, the DAOScape is here to help you navigate this new landscape of cooperation.
We have plenty more to stay on this subject, but for now we invite any propective DAOs to sign up for our early access at