2 বছর ·অনুবাদ করা

?? In the USA, the first hearing on the regulation of the activities of stablecoin issuers was held, the main points are:

- The bill assumes that the Fed will control the activities of issuers of centralized stablecoins like USDC and USDT.

— The regulator will issue licenses for relevant activities.

- The document was criticized for outdated data in the process of preparation and insisted on updating the information.

- The representative of Circle said that it is necessary to level the playing field between the US and the rest of the world. “Banks and other organizations in the US need regulated pathways for issuing stablecoins.”

“It is very important that there is an understanding in the country on a bipartisan basis of the usefulness and importance of the relevant legislation.”

— Jake Chervinsky stated that the US financial system is stuck in an analog age, limited by intermediaries and gatekeepers, and an outdated infrastructure that has not kept up with the digital age.