Good morning all, here's a simple guide on how to setup and configure Soony on Telegram. This guide assumes that you already know how to Mint on $XPR
Setting up Soony is simple:
1) Meet the requirements for Shielding your NFT collection (found here: and get #shielded
2) Add @soonmarketbot ( to your group
3) Contact Marco (@marc0olo) in the Soon Market Telegram:
4) Once the bot is added and Marco has enabled your channel, you must type /subscribe [collection ID] to connect your NFT collection to the group and bot.
You can find this ID number when navigating to your collection on Soon.Market, see attached photos.
5) Enable notifications by typing /config [collection id], see attached photos.
6) Choose the notifications you would like to see**
7) Start listing and auctioning NFTs with ease ?
*Image previews under certain circumstances may not load

Victoria Flores
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