Snipcoins Photo NFT Club
Round 3 –(METRO) ? NOW LIVE ?
What does this category, Metro, mean? Well, as examples - a building or freeway overpass from interesting angles or in interesting lighting; a neon lit city-scape; panoramic views of metropolitan sprawl from a tall building; or even an impressive construction site. People can be in the background, but they should be secondary and not identifiable.
Starting with Round 3, the Snipcoins Photo NFT Club is going to ask everyone to answer a small set of questions with the photo submission post. This will hopefully spur some interesting conversation in the comments and also encourage fair play. The winning submission answers will be used in the related Proton Press edition
Round 3's questions are:
1. What type of camera did you use?
2. Where & when was the photo taken?
3. Why were you there?
4. Why did you take the photo?
Please remember all photos submitted should be relatively recent photos taken by the submitter. Allocate your reactions to submissions accordingly.
Make submissions here ?
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