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✨? Today JUNE 13 is the Cypher #raffle2buy and the Cypher #giveaway Party DAY! ??

#raffle2buy — 150 USD Buy Offer or Equivalent in $XPR
⏰ 6 Cyphers will be raffled today June 13 LIVE in the telegram video chat at 9 pm UTC

? 1 Epic (Ape ?)
? 1 Rare (Alien ?)
? 1 Uncommon (Human ?‍?)
? 1 Uncommon (Human ?‍?)
? 1 Common (Alien ?)
? 1 Common (Human ?‍?)

? 20% of ALL sales will go to the Cypher Syndicate Vault which will be used in the Holder Rewards Program!

? Cypher #giveaway Party — will be raffled today JUNE 13 LIVE in the telegram video chat at 9:30 pm UTC??

? 1 Hush Kids. #44 (@HushkidsNFTs) by @Callmeste
? 1 Common Cypher (Human ?‍?)

?Thank you and GOOD LUCK!?

?Registration for the #raffle2buy by the following link ?

?Join our Cypher Telegram Group Chat