Marshall ℙ Hayner is Proton xpr a test network within multiple test networks of and chinta?
Similar to how our solar system that's within our galaxy that's within our universe and the universe would be china?
Marshall ℙ Hayner is Proton xpr a test network within multiple test networks of and chinta?
Similar to how our solar system that's within our galaxy that's within our universe and the universe would be china? Use my link my dudes! and my lady. takes seconds to make an account. my first time I played for an 1 hr then my area got restricted! I thought i lost my tokens but i didnt... make sure you REMEMBER YOUR CREDIENTIALS! When the Restricted area pops up just click on the head phone explain what happened and they will send you to the mirrior link. Its awesome!
Yoooo Everyone should check out youll need the Proton game token that just came out. This dice and coin flip game is awesome. So far its a great start up! hurry buy those game tokens asap! Only 1m tokens issued!
so I had 7000+ snipcoins this morning. Now i have 6500. Im little pissed off about that and every short trading moron on the alcor exchange.
I'm sorry, I have to say this! If your trading (Just Doge) YOU NEED TO READ THIS. Your an idiot if you keep shorting Jdoge or any other token on #alcor exchange... Just for a quick buck?? You're a complete idiot. Get with the program. Dont trade anything for less. And If your the dumbass thats doing it. Why would you wanna make less money? I mean come on! You can match trades. You cant bring value to anything that you do in real life you gotta go fuk up DeFi exchanges? Do everyone a favor and remove your low baller trades. You twat! #justdoge