5 Fingers Hustle Club
5 Fingers Hustle Club

5 Fingers Hustle Club

2 বছর ·অনুবাদ করা

Ladies and gentlehands,
5FHC is looking actively for a 3D artist to join the team!
I'm looking for a profile with the following skills:
- Characters modeling
- Props / Clothes modeling
- UV / Mapping
- Rigging

If you are or know someone DM Rocker One !

2 বছর ·অনুবাদ করা

There is a new boss in town and his name is Damon McKenzie!
All hail Daniel Abbott, our infinite #giveaway September winner, who has minted this pure badass!

2 বছর ·অনুবাদ করা

?Long time no see Handies and Gentlehand! ?
After all that 5 Fingers Hustle Club devs jazz, a lot of awesome projects and dApp creators asked me for smart contract and devs, which make my days busier

I'm back and yesterday I dived deep into one of the biggest issues that holders warned me about, the lack of visibility on marketplaces and missing stats on Atomic Markets. So a completely different system will be in place soon. This system will allow all Fivies to be visible on marketplaces (Sold and to be sold), this system is compatible with Giveaway mint and raffle systems (currently in dev) through burnable raffle tickets. A different system with the same finality:

? 25% of the share for each sale for holders.
? 1/10 sales 75% will be staked on LOAN and will be redistributed
? Dynamic raffle tickets (more on this later)
? No more random mint, get what you see!

This new system is just a gateway to move on to the next step: MARKETING to create the volume holders deserve.

Hi-five to all my holders, past, present, and future!

3 বছর ·অনুবাদ করা

Augustus finally ended, and we have our #inifinitegiveaway monthly winner! All hail our king, Victor Figueroa who has promoted the project like a boss and minted his free #fivy #nft this morning!
He joins the holders and will receive his cut on the next sales!

3 বছর ·অনুবাদ করা

A new feature added for the INFINITE GIVEAWAY on the 5FHC telegram group!
Any group member can retrieve a personal invite link and share it anywhere! Invitations are counted for the weekly and monthly #giveaway!

Friendly reminder
? Weekly winner goes with 3.000 XPR
? Monthly winner goes with a FREE FIVY MINT

PS: I can't share the link here, because it sounds quite unfair to the TG group members who want to share their link and participate

3 বছর ·অনুবাদ করা

Hello handies and gentlehands today I started a side process to meet a midterm roadmap milestone with one of my favourite material !
Clay prototyping -> filling the gap to metaverse
