Snipcoins Photo NFT Club
Snipcoins Photo NFT Club

Snipcoins Photo NFT Club


Round 4's Auction Winner
? moray ?

Thank you & congratulations ?
Your #1 serial has been transferred.


Just under 2hrs left!!



Extra! Extra! ?Just released....
Proton Press Partnership Edition

24hr AUCTION is LIVE ⏰
Winning bid also receives Round 4's #1 serial!

Auction link ?


Well folks…. sometimes what seems like a good idea doesn't work. Round 4’s category “Food – on the grill” was one of those. There was one entry. ?

HOWEVER, not only was the photo submitted by one of Snipcoin’s earliest users & biggest boosters, but its humor is also greatly endearing ?

So, as thanks for all the positive vibes, we want to highlight Daniel Abbott !!
His submission has been minted as the winner of Round 4, and he has just received the #2 serial of the NFT.
Additionally, an 'abbottsmile' edition of the Proton Press will be released soon & auctioned with the #1 serial ?


Okay, okay... we know you spent all day Monday and into Tuesday here feeling bad over the missed opportunities you had this past weekend for a great Round 4 pic ?

It happens. We understand ?
But, cheer up ? You now have another week, including a full weekend, to make up for it ?

Round 4 (Food – on the grill) ???
Submissions & reactions will close early AM, Thursday August 25th ?

Round 4 (Food – on the grill)  ? ??? ?  Snipcoins ..

Round 4 (Food – on the grill) ? ??? ? Snipcoins ..

Round 4 (Food – on the grill) ? ??? ? Snipcoins Photo NFT Club is back with another fun, photo-competition Round! Who doesn’t like taking pics of their cu